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Weak-minded teenager


A teenager in weakness would have accepted an offer of love from a girl, who is not of good character. Give him Bach Flower Remedy WALNUT. He will improve. The gem remedy CORAL works very well with WALNUT. The boy will come out of the infatuation.

Accept yourself totally


“RAMAM RAMABADRAM RAMACHANDRAM”:  balances our Solar Plexus Chakra, and thus gives us self-confidence as well as assertiveness. It helps us to love ourselves and accept ourselves.  “MAM” in Ramam helps to activate the inner child.

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Can’t propose to girl of my heart:

For weak-willed and less assertive:

Safety cover


My son wanted to go out with his friends to city but I was afraid to let him go. Then I remembered to call upon Wolf to take care of him as here it’s raining season and it’s a big city too.

To my surprise, rains started to pour, after he reached home safely.

“Love thanks Divine” for the Animal Spirit Wolf.

Don’t get love

I don’t get love, there is no affection; my husband does not care for me. Chant the switch words, “GIVE NOW TOGETHER DIVINE LOVE”.