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To handle debts easily


Chant the Angel Number 58, to handle debts easily.

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Loans please leave me alone:

Poverty, please stay away from my friend:

Don’t get love

I don’t get love, there is no affection; my husband does not care for me. Chant the switch words, “GIVE NOW TOGETHER DIVINE LOVE”.

Wolf stood by me


I was expecting some arguments with my parents. I requested Wolf to go and speak to them on my behalf.

When I met them, I need not take any extra efforts to convince them. Somehow, they seem to understand my side of the story.

How to avoid accidents

Bow to all the ten directions east, west, north, south, south-east, south-west, north-east, north-west – including the directions above your head and below your feet.

Pray “Protect me wherever I go”. Those Directions will listen to you and protect you.