Category Archives: Marriage

Your spouse is possessive

Find harmony when there is possessiveness…

Take the Bach Flower remedies Walnut, Cherry Plum, Beech, Willow and Agrimony, and may be Chicory too, if you find your spouse possessive.

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Release your spouse qualities:

To receive is to give:

Don’t get love

I don’t get love, there is no affection; my husband does not care for me. Chant the switch words, “GIVE NOW TOGETHER DIVINE LOVE”.

Total physical exhaustion

Say after a wedding is over, for the parents of the bride who will be physically exhausted and can’t sleep: OLIVE, WHITE CHESTNUT, WALNUT, and CRAB APPLE.

Stagnation in Marriage

Write “SWEET CHESTNUT, WALNUT, HORNBEAM” 50 times daily. Alternatively, take the Bach Flower remedies for at least 6 months.