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Get clarity to solve problems

We should get clarity to solve the problems.  MOONSTONE gives you that. Peace will come. It works like Bach Flower CERATO and therefore you don’t ask opinion from others as you can take the decision by yourself and the solution lies within you.

Weak-minded teenager


A teenager in weakness would have accepted an offer of love from a girl, who is not of good character. Give him Bach Flower Remedy WALNUT. He will improve. The gem remedy CORAL works very well with WALNUT. The boy will come out of the infatuation.

Success in Business


Pls suggest some Switch Word or mantra for success in business? My husband works very hard. I just want to help him in his progress.



Your intentions are fulfilled

All our desires and intentions can be fulfilled with the help of Reiki. It works as per our intention. As you intend, energy flows towards that direction or goal. Though, it might take its own route.